Friday, October 15, 2010

Oct 14: Raising the Walls, Day 6

All walls that can be raised, at this stage of construction, are up.  Walls adjacent to steel columns have not been raised due to the hazard of having them catch on fire in the close proximity of a welder's torch when beam and cable hardware are welded to columns.

View of the back doorway opening off of the Foyer, above and below.

View of the curving wall of windows along the hallway in the Guest Bedroom Wing, above and below.

The end wall of the Guest Bedroom Wing is a framed wall to more readily enable the completion of a master plan, which would include two additional guest bedrooms that would extend the curve and welcome more friends to the house, ... when resources become available to do the construction.

Stick framing a curved wall that consists mostly of windows, without room for much insulation in between, is more appropriate than using SIP's.

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