Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nov 7: Slab Stained

Left, Bryan and Lotte admire the stained slab floor through the opening for the Master Bedroom window.

Right, view of the stained slab drying in the Living Room, Kitchen, and Guest Bedroom Wing with rain bearing clouds approaching.  Todd sent me a text message warning from Bend, 30 miles to the south, that read, "Rain in Bend - sprinkling."

We were spared the disaster of rain while staining and sealing the slab because of our location between the rain shadow created by Mt. Jefferson, the second highest peak in Oregon, to the west and the heat bubble created by the high south facing cliffs at Smith Rocks nearby to the east.  Todd and Terry have learned how much they can push their reliance on our local weather anomaly based on a comparison with Bend weather conditions. 

At sunset, while rain clouds continue to gather and the temperature plunges into the 30's, Terry and his assistant, below, will spend about an hour applying a second and final coat to seal the slab floor.  He will rely entirely upon the day's passive solar heat that has been stored in the slab to dry the sealer.  After that, he'll call it a day.

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