Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oct 25: Site Improvements

We removed several trees today that were crowding each other out, so the remaining junipers and native grasses, which we are restoring to the site, may have a better chance of thriving without too much competition from invasive species for the scarce water resource that are available.

A fresh pile of uprooted trees replaces the old pile of tree limbs from the day before that we ran through a chipper to create the mound of juniper chips in the foreground, above.

A weekend of rain leaves the job site soaked, but clouds part to reveal some blue sky with a possibility of sunnier days just ahead.  Above, a view of the SIP walls that define the Living Room, Master Bedroom Suite, and Utility Room.

Above, a view of the Kitchen and Living Room looking west from the Foyer.

A view of the Guest Bedroom Wing looking south from the Foyer.

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