Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oct 12: Raising the Walls, Day 4

Today Todd and assistant Billy pushed hard to get the walls raised as fast as possible.

Applying the 'Persuader' to negotiate a tight fit with a stubborn SIP, above.  Each SIP wall typically requires a bit more than simply tilting and stapling it into place. 

A come-along works well to slip a not so slippery SIP on its mudsill for a snug fit, which is evident when it makes the foam ooze out of the corners, as shown in the photo below. 
 Todd applies foam with an applicator, supplied by the manufacturer, to every panel to ensure an air tight seal for each joint, below.

The slab becomes a stage for the builders' ballet, in the ensuing photos.

Bravo !!!

The audience includes a large buck that melds with the foliage, below



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