Friday, February 11, 2011

Jan 17 - Feb 10: Living Roof Parapet & Membrane

The perfect weather that we had hoped for to work on the roof finally arrived.  The living roof parapet wall and fascia are shown installed, above, constructed from fibercement siding for durability and low maintenance.   The living roof neoprene membrane is shown being installed in the following photos.

After the wind started blowing, later in the day, the spray gun was useless.  A small remaining portion of roof is shown being completed with a roller application, below.

Seen from the roof, the Mt. Jefferson volcano looms over the landscape.

With roof membranes and fascia installed, the fascia is painted prior to the installation of the parapet cap flashing, below.

Mid-winter sunlight penetrates the space through a skyview window like a firey comet at sunset.

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