Monday, November 3, 2014

Nov. 3: As I was saying, there is A Lot More God in the Details

The much anticipated Sunshades were built this summer, and the indoor summer temperature immediately decreased by 15 deg. F, on average.  It was a welcome relief for everyone.  The Sunshades were manufactured from galvanized steel bar grating.  The photos that follow document the construction process for the Sunshades.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sept. 28: There is More God in the Details [than we thought]

Needless to say, we're still working on the details but making much progress.  This summer was especially hot in Central Oregon, which underscored our need to complete an important feature of the design for our natural cooling system:  Sunshades.  Although the weather is rapidly changing from summer to winter now, the next big change you'll notice on the South and West Elevations will be substantial sunshades, to be built ASAP to anticipate the  need to keep the summer sun out starting next year.  

The solar collectors are shown, above, in the background.  Even though the weather was still quite hot, we started collecting our heat for the winter on Sept. 8 for the heating season, which typically begins in the middle of October. The clouds shown in the photo can be misleading.  At times, we can collect energy with temperatures reaching as high as 110-120 F (43-49 C), even on cloudy days.

Below, the front door [with screen door] and Kitchen window are shown with a start at the natural non-irrigated landscaping on either side of the walkway, which consists of bunchgrass, sage,  juniper snags, and lava rock.

The Kitchen is nearing completion, shown in the photos below.  

Ok, that's it for now-  back to the details. ( BTW, just incase you're wondering about the  stools;  we don't like any of them.)  Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aug. 23: God is in the Details!

God is in the Details! (... so there's more to do )

Below, Lotte inspects our budding roof garden, where no deer will browse.

Below, from granite fabricator to kitchen countertop installation.

So far so good, but as you can see there's more to it.  Stay tuned!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Oct 27- Nov 27: More Finish

Carpenter, Steve Torkelson, applies the finished wood surfaces to two unique walls, which
 feature exterior and interior barn wood, above and below.    

Below, the tile setter's assistant, Sean, prepares mortar in the moonshine to stay on schedule for the Master Bathroom floor.

Below, tile setter, Tim Giles, adjusts the slope of mortar bed on the floor of the curbless shower to achieve sufficient drainage for the Master Bathroom.

Below, concrete pavers are installed by Gary, of Hi-Style Paving, who is assisted by crew member and daughter, Toneshia, to create the Front Entrance Walkway and other adjacent connecting walkways. 

Todd and Billy are shown in the process of installing the hemlock ceiling boards,  below.